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drainage of brain hematoma

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drainage of brain hematoma

drainage of brain hematoma, which occurs as a result of a type of traumatic brain injury that causes blood vessels within the skull to burst and leak blood. When this blood collects between the covering and surface of the brain, it can spread rapidly and exert dangerous pressure on the brain, and this condition requires emergency treatment to stop the bleeding and relieve pressure, as it may lead to unconsciousness and even death, and the operazi site offers a service in installments of operations for patients.

Information about the process of drainage of brain hematoma

● A subdural hematoma or intracerebral hematoma is a collection of blood that forms on the surface of the brain. Blood may put pressure on the brain and damage tissues. A subdural hematoma can be life-threatening.

● A chronic subdural hematoma may occur in the elderly after a minor head injury.

● A subdural hematoma may occur after a severe head injury.

● Doctors often treat subdural hematomas with surgery to relieve pressure on the brain.

● Symptoms may occur immediately or develop over weeks.

What is a hematoma inside the brain?

Intracerebral hematoma is an accumulation of blood on the surface of the brain, where blood accumulates in a space between the protective layers that surround your brain, and this bleeding often comes from a blood vessel that breaks into the space around the brain, and this often occurs due to a head injury, and an injury can also be Mild, and blood may put pressure on the brain and damage tissue. A subdural hematoma can be life-threatening.

It occurs in some people who have a severe head injury, and younger men are more likely to suffer these types of injuries, while older people are more likely to have a subdural hematoma, even with a mild head injury because the veins around the brain are more likely to rupture About a third of subdural hematomas occur in the elderly, and in children, subdural hematomas are most often caused by shaken baby syndrome.

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What causes blood pooling inside the brain?

Before you learn how to drainage of brain hematoma, know the most common cause of a subdural hematoma is a head injury, as this can be from a car accident, fall or violent attack.

 This sudden impact can strain the blood vessels within the brain, causing them to rupture and bleed, and sometimes small arteries also rupture within the subdural space.

In some people, the brain shrinks (often due to aging) and the subdural space increases and this can make blood vessels more likely to break. In people age 50 or older, subdural hematomas can appear for days or weeks. This is called a hematoma Inside the chronic brain because the blood clot turns into a liquid and becomes dark in color.

Possible causes of a subdural hematoma include:

● Head injury, such as accidents or violence, which is most common in young people.

● Brain shrinkage (atrophy) This is more common in the elderly.

● Medicines that prevent blood clots, such as warfarin, aspirin and other blood thinners.

● Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid.

Who is exposed to the process of unloading a blood pool inside the brain?

Intracerebral hematoma is often the result of a head injury, so people who are at risk of car accidents or falls are most at risk of this problem, and are more likely to develop intracerebral hematoma from:

● Head injury, such as car accidents, falls or sudden changes in speed.

● Doing high-impact sports.

● Advanced age: This increases the likelihood of the brain shrinking, putting the blood vessels at risk of damage.

● Alcoholic.

● Previous brain injury.

● Use of blood thinners.

● Violence, such as shaken baby syndrome.

● cerebrospinal fluid leak (rare).

● Rupture of a blood vessel in a weak or swollen spot (cerebral aneurysm) (rare).

● Tumor (rare).

● Bleeding disorders such as hemophilia (rare).

What are the symptoms of hematoma in the brain?

Before you learn how to drainage of brain hematoma, learn the symptoms. A subdural hematoma may cause symptoms immediately (acute), or it may grow slowly and cause symptoms later. You may notice symptoms weeks after an injury or a broken blood vessel (chronic).

Symptoms of hematoma in the brain may include: Learn about the following:

● problems with balance or walking.

● confusion.

● dizziness.

● Headache.

● Nausea or vomiting.

● Fainting (loss of consciousness).

● seizures.

● drowsiness;

● Speech problems.

● vision problems.

How is a hematoma diagnosed inside the brain?

Before you learn how to drainage of brain hematoma, learn how to diagnose it first. A severe brain hematoma is an emergency, and you will need a physical exam, including examining your reactions, as well as your head, eyes and neck.

 You may be asked when you first notice symptoms, and your doctor may ask you to do some simple things, such as touching your nose with your finger.

Doctors generally do a CT scan or MRI of your head to look for signs of bleeding. To detect bleeding need one or more tests, such as:

● Blood tests to look for bleeding disorders and to measure clotting function.

● More angiography (computed tomography angiography) to detect underlying problems.

The diagnosis of intracerebral hematoma often occurs in emergency rooms.

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How is the treatment of hematoma in the brain?

Doctors often treat a hematoma by performing an intracerebral hematoma procedure to relieve pressure on the brain. Your doctor may use a variety of surgical procedures to treat a hematoma. These include:

● Cut a slice of the skull and open it to remove blood (craniotomy).

● Drilling a hole in the skull to allow blood to drain (protrusion hole).

If the subdural hematoma is small, doctors may monitor it more closely rather than do surgery right away. In that case, you will likely remain in the intensive care unit. You may need:

● A sensor inside your head to measure intracranial pressure.

● Medications to control symptoms.

● Repeated CT scan to see the hematoma.

● Stop taking blood-thinning medications such as warfarin if you are taking them normally.

● Vitamin K treatment. This can reverse the effects of some blood-thinning medications.


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