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Micropigmentation, also known as scalp micropigmentation, is a non-surgical procedure used as a treatment for thinning hair, receding hairline, and baldness. Also "hair tattoo", is beneficial for all cases of hair loss or thinning, regardless of the cause and it is important that patients have the right expectations regarding the procedure. Scalp MicroPigmentation will not cause hair to grow back, but instead, it will create the appearance of ingrown hairs, and the operazi site provides a service in installments operations for patients.

What is micro-dyeing of the scalp?

Scalp Micropigmentation (also known as "SMP) is a non-surgical beauty service that uses fine needles and high-quality specialized dyes to create new looks or thicker hair for those suffering from hair loss.

This procedure lasts for an average of 8 years and is great for those looking for long-term results.

SMP yields instant results after just one session, but it takes an average of 3-4 layers of layers to achieve the 'perfect' look.

Why is a micropigmentation performed?

●     For thinning hair, receding hairline and baldness, the operation can be performed on both men and women.

●     Statistics show that up to 65% of men will experience noticeable hair loss at the age of 60 and 70% by the age of 80 and on the other hand, up to 80% of women over the age of 60 will suffer from noticeable baldness.

See also: Lobectomy of the lung

Factors that affect hair loss

Studies show that the average human head contains 110,000 hair follicles. Unfortunately, there are several factors that can cause hair loss or thinning, such as:

●     Genetic factors - The most common cause of hair loss is a condition called male or female pattern baldness, which is hereditary.

●     Hormonal changes - Changes and imbalances in a person's hormone levels may lead to hair loss. This is the reason why some women tend to experience more hair loss during pregnancy.

●     Certain diseases - many cases of hair loss or thinning are associated with underlying medical conditions such as alopecia areata.

●     Certain medications or medical treatments Hair loss is one of the most widely reported side effects of some medical treatments and medications such as antidepressants, oral contraceptives, and high blood pressure medications, as well as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

●     Emotional or psychological trauma - Traumatic and stressful events in a person's life, such as the death of a family member, can lead to hair loss.

●     Regardless of the cause, patients with hair loss or hair thinning suffer from low self-esteem, especially since effective hair restoration treatments usually involve surgery and can be very expensive.

Fortunately, micropigmentation of the scalp gives patients a chance to restore the natural appearance of hair follicles that penetrate into the scalp without resorting to more surgical treatments, such as hair transplantation.

Although it does not cause hair to re-grow naturally, it can effectively improve the appearance of bald heads by mimicking the appearance of shaved hair or bringing back receding hairlines.

Who is a candidate for micro-dyeing of the scalp?

Wondering if scalp micropigmentation is right for you? If any of the following apply to you, you may want to seriously consider Micro Scalp Dye as a solution to your hair loss!

●     Suffering from male or female pattern baldness.

●     Hair lacks density (your scalp may be more visible through the hair).

●     Suffering from receding hairline.

●     He underwent hair transplant operations in the past.

●     Looking to hide the scars on the scalp.

●     Overall good health - if you are currently experiencing any health related issues, it is always recommended that you receive clearance from your primary physician.

Scalp Micropigmentation Recovery

You should stick to your aftercare, as Scalp MicroPigmentation is an investment and to really get the best possible results you should stick strictly to following your aftercare instructions as directed.

Facelift Scalpplasty not only treats hair loss, but also restores self-confidence, and it is important when you decide to proceed with Scalp MicroPigmentation that you should consider the care required before and after.

Here are some requirements to expect before receiving your treatment:

●     Moisturize the scalp twice daily for 14 days.

●     Trim your hair with a trimmer the night before. This does not apply to clients receiving volume treatment.

●     Without caffeine (soda, energy drinks, coffee, sports drinks, etc.).

●     Does not contain blood thinners (aspirin, pain relievers, etc.).

●     Eat a healthy meal and stay hydrated

What you can expect immediately after your procedure:

●     No swimming, excessive sweating, heavy exercise, saunas, steam rooms, etc.

●     No direct exposure to the sun.

●     Do not touch.

●     No shave.

See also: Tube pericardiostomy

Long-term aftercare

Long-term care for Scalp Micropigmentation is simple, and by following the following recommendations and implementing them into your routine once your scalp is completely healed, you can achieve desirable results for years to come.

●     Avoid exposure to the sun and apply an SPF 30 or higher sunscreen to your scalp to help protect the dye because UV rays can cause damage to scalp micropigmentation, even if you're not a sunburned person.

●     Moisturize the scalp daily with a gentle moisturizer and avoid moisturizer products that contain fragrance/retinol/vitamin A.


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